Thursday, April 2, 2009

article: EU Greenhouse-Gas Emissions Drop 6%

Basically the point I’m trying to make here is, that I’m right. Lol. Common sense finally rules over speculative moral marketing bombardment that we saw in the last few years. The problem with pollution, Al Gore, and unsustainable living is that it is a problem that is the symptom of the economy, not the cause.

A lot of environmentalist campaigns would have quoted Ghandi in saying the earth can satisfy our need but not our greed, something like that; but the logical deduction from this word of wisdom is not that we should live morally and limit only to our need, because that would be stupid, but that living on our greed is not sustainable, and hence one day this way of living will collapse, automatically.

I’m a big fan of green energy, sustainable cities, and disciplined economies in favour of triple bottom lines, economical, social and environmental. But on top of all that I’m a big fan of good sense. Showering the world with moral messages to promote a new generation of economic products invested by a new generation of capitalists is not good sense. It’s brain washing and media pollution.

Consider this unlikely candidate, China. In the last couple of years a few things happened in China, due to massive amounts of pressure from international pressure groups, but also, the simple rule of supply and demand: plastic bags in supermarkets costs about fifty cents each; in a lot of government backed building projects, solar hot water provided for free; cities where there’s not enough electricity, turn off the unnecessary power that lights up the commercial buildings at night; new public urban developments, L.E.D. lights covered.

A lot of these things happened in the more advanced and economically well off cities, but there is a sense of action you can see. There is no lobbying, no hesitation, and certainly no consideration on whether 50 cents a plastic bag will upset some French billionaire investor on his supermarket chain stores. You either follow the rules or you see yourself to the lift, plain simple. We are not a country that lives on extravagance, when there’s niche to save money, we’ll do it, on government level, and on individual level.  Even the Benz driving cigar smoking corporate bosses over forty five remember what it was like decades ago when there was no food, when brothers and sisters swelled into balloons due to hunger and died; whilst the LV wearing cognac drinking  young elites over thirty certainly can’t forget the early days in the city when chaos and violence and uncertainty ruled, working their lives off for no more than a warm food and bed everyday. There’s no morality involved, but fifty cents saved is fifty cents saved, our collective memories, just as our collective reality, is nothing but that sense of urgency. THAT is how you get something done.

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