Wednesday, March 31, 2010

For the first time I have made consecutive successful trades on my demo account, four in a row this time. I made a resolution that I would not switch to real money unless I doubled my account within a month, and so far, with the many demo accounts that I have practiced so far, none met such goal.

I did make some gains sure, big ones too, but then it was met by larger losses that ruined the whole game. As a result I joined in my web seminars and learnt about the most basic ways active traders would do when they deal with their own money,an idea that I admit abhorred me before.

Now I guess I know better. I must learn how the others do it first, and with practice, hopefully create my own strategy. This refusal to play the others' game is just, after all, isolating myself from the other people.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Japan's having a deflation

deflation is not good at this time.
and this time it's caused by a combination of falling export, lowered business and investment opportunities, and the chronicle low interest rates which encourages people to hold on to the money rather than doing anything with it.
so if Bank of Japan counters this by quantitative easing, i.e. printing money, it should theoretically lower the value of the Yen, hopefully encouraging export and domestic circulation.
I believe that at the end it all comes to what the economy lives on, its role as a exporter and as a world financial center. Export really depends on the US (which i think is not that positive on buying things overseas at the moment) and financial centre (there're too many of them, most in trouble).
I am thinking a gradual bull on USD/JPY.